An Introduction to what’s Inside My Head.

Linus Ekenstam
3 min readFeb 7, 2021


A weekly rant of what’s been on my mind. Exploring the world of technology and building digital products while navigating the life as a new dad 🖖🏻

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Viktor Talashuk — Unsplash

Welcome to Inside My Head

This is a newsletter written by me Linus Ekenstam. I’m a dad first, technologist second. I’m currently building [in my opinion] some interesting products & companies. This newsletter will be a weekly thing, and I’ll take you with my as I build, make mistakes and learn. Here is a some short introductions to what’s currently on my mind.

Being a dad

On May 14th 2020, my life forever changed. Our baby daughter Sky Lou was born. My partner in crime and the corner stone of my life, did an amazing job during the pregnancy and finally during labour. Though we where in the middle of the pandemic and under strict lockdowns [Barcelona] we managed to be in the delivery ward together.

I will never forget this moment, ever. It all happened very fast. In the morning Jennie thought it was going to be just a normal day. She could feel something happening, but nothing too drastic. Fast forward 2 hours later we where standing outside our apartment waiting for a cab that would take both of us [at this time only one person could ride a cab at the time]. Fast forward another 6 hours, and our daughter was no longer on the inside but on the outside, with us.

I’ll take some time further into this endeavour to write more in depth about this experience and the chain of events that since have followed.

Mental Health

Me and my buddy Brian Foody have slowly been building a mood tracking app [] during most of 2020. Due to a very intense year, with some extreme highs and some life altering lows. I really wanted to double down on Mental Health related projects like this. As long as we are humans we will be bound to our heads and we need to spend more time in there.

Then I lost my dad late in 2020, not due to Covid but due to mental health related issues. I had already decided before this that I wanted to work on something as a side project that could help others in the mental health space. Even if it meant just helping one person, it would be worth it. So thats what I did.

On top of this I also started a Memorial Fund in my dads name with the intent to give an increasing amount each year to mental health related causes.

Consumer Packaged Goods

Me and Chris Cloutier founded a Popcorn company that turned into a grains company, Killer Grains Inc [It’s not a traditional Company] — Our mission is to work as little as possible, about 1 day a month to be precise. We sell popcorn through email. If you want to buy some just hit us up on email and we might get back to you. Essentially we don’t care how much corn we sell. We just want to have fun and do a lot of create stunts and other bullshit. I’d love to tell you more about how we raised money in a bar. In the middle of winter, in a cold and dark Helsinki. We wrote term-sheets on napkins and signed them faster than we could write them. But thats a story for an upcoming email.

Finding great software

I’ve just started building a little interesting destination for showcasing the latest and greatest in software. I’m calling it [not yet published]. For those of you that are regular internet users you might have come across a product or two that you love to use. Maybe even a product I’ve worked on like or or something completely different like or Anyhow I really think there is a gap in the market for showcasing some of these products and thats what I’m trying to solve with

If you want a weekly email in your inbox from me, simply head over to my substack and subscribe today. Would love to learn and engage with all of my readers and looking forward to talk more to you all.

Thanks for reading/ Linus

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Linus Ekenstam

Co-founder of - Writing about being a dad, future trends, building products, AR/VR. Design @flodesk, Previously @Typeform @Thingtesting @GetBamboo